Wednesday, February 25, 2009

2nd meeting -

The group met again last night. Once more it was a load of great fun. We spread out some show and tell. We had a lesson in rotary cutting and beginning piecing.

I do hope all of you ladies will make this YOUR group. Bring a project - work on it here - put several squares together at home.

Next meeting bring fabric (wahed and ironed) - cutters, mats and rulers - if your have a portable machine and iron and small ironing board as well.

Remember - save the smallest scraps too - go here to see what happens when creative people save scraps.

This lady never wastes even an inch. Rebecca Sower - at this link - will always inspire me. (Yes those are tiny little scraps left from squaring up the edges - now you know why I scoop them up and put them in my pocket)

Pictures from last night. A sample of the squares we will be making for the project safe house quilts.

Mr Ray and Ms. Vera demonstrate cutting. Thank you Mr Ray for joining us loud and rowdy ladies.

The beauty of teamwork. I loved watching the two of them interact.

A detail from on of the Album Squares - Ms Vera shared with us.

Naomi Scogin's pieced but not yet quilted scrappy state.

Naomi's Crazy Patch Squares

I wish my camera could capture the beautiful tiny stitches in Vera's Quilts. Beautiful.

Same thing in the log cabin - also Vera's. The back of this is pieced as well.

Melanie Berryman's John Deere quilt - rumor has it she stole this off Luke's bed to bring it.

Melanie's first quilt - a family tree quilt featuring cross stitch squares along with the piecing.

Naomi's row house wall hanging - featuring old clothing labels and buttons. More views of this can be seen at the MaggieGraceBlog.

Susan tried to pass this off as her work - we caught her in that act though. She is however looking for a place in the next contata presentation.

You know the search is serious when you find Becky in the floor literally digging through piles of fun fabric.

See how much there is to share at this group. I cannot wait until we really figure out what we are doing.
Schedule for the next two meetings -
March 24th ----- Susan Young has refreshments
March 31st ------ need a volunteer for snacks.
Come join us. You know you will have fun.

1 comment:

Aunt Susan said...

Really enjoyed last night! I have a lot to learn - but what fun it will be. The pictures add so much! Looking forward to the next meeting. Susan